If you simply copy what everyone else is doing and has always done, then you can’t expect differentiated results. This module will empower your lawyers, partners, marketing, and business development professionals with the latest in immediately applicable B2B growth tools and techniques to capitalize on the changing BD landscape, accelerated by the shift to remote work.
Duration: 2 webinars of 2 hours*
- The psychology of sales
- Relationship development and effective networking
- How to keep relationships warm
- Qualifying and prioritising prospects
- Upselling, cross-selling, down-selling
- Techniques to develop and manage sales pipelines
- How to automate your sales pipeline
- How to monitor market signals and trigger outbound communication to hot prospects
- How to trigger follow-ups, and follow up effectively
- Growth marketing tools (email, CRM, analytics, automation social media, advertising, tracking, retargeting)
- Account based marketing and personalization
- Content marketing
- Growth hacks for lawyers
- Sales analytics
- Learn the fundamentals of sales and marketing to develop and close more deals
- Learn how to reliably and repeatedly source new warm prospects
- Learn how to automate the management of the sales pipeline
- Increase prospects generated
- Increase deals closed and client relationships
- Increase top-line revenue and profitability
- Differentiate your firm’s business development techniques to thrive in a post-COVID world, while your competitors scramble to adapt
* Course outline and delivery format can be tailored to suit the unique needs of your firm and workforce.
To enroll or for more information, please contact [email protected].